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ixion::matrix Member List
This is the complete list of members for ixion::matrix, including all inherited members.
- add(TIndex row, TIndex col, matrix const &src, entry_type factor=1)
- addColumn(TIndex col, matrix &src, entry_type factor=1)
- addColumnSelf(TIndex to, TIndex from, entry_type factor=1, TIndex startrow=0)
- addRow(TIndex row, matrix &src, entry_type factor=1)
- addRowSelf(TIndex to, TIndex from, entry_type factor=1, TIndex startcol=0)
- begin()
- begin() const
- cholesky() const
- const_iterator typedef
- Data
- decomposeLR(matrix &l, matrix &r) const
- det() const
- diagonalProduct() const
- end()
- end() const
- entry_type typedef
- extract(TIndex row, TIndex col, TSize height, TSize width) const
- extractColumn(TIndex col) const
- extractRow(TIndex row) const
- gauss(scalar_type pivot_threshold=0, TSize *swapcount=NULL) const
- gaussJordan(scalar_type pivot_threshold=0, TSize *swapcount=NULL) const
- getCholesky() const
- getGaussElim(scalar_type pivot_threshold=0, TSize *swapcount=NULL) const
- getGaussJordan(scalar_type pivot_threshold=0, TSize *swapcount=NULL) const
- getHeight() const
- getIndex(TIndex row, TIndex col) const
[inline, protected]
- getInverted() const
- getLR(matrix &l, matrix &r) const
- getSize() const
[inline, protected]
- getTransposed() const
- getWidth() const
- height() const
- Height
- inverted() const
- iterator typedef
- linearSolve(matrix const &vec, scalar_type pivot_threshold=0) const
- lowerTriangleSolve(matrix const &vec) const
- matrix(TSize height=0, TSize width=0)
- matrix(TSize height, TSize width, InputIterator first)
- matrix(matrix const &src)
- multiplyColumnSelf(TIndex column, entry_type factor, TIndex startrow=0)
- multiplyRowSelf(TIndex row, entry_type factor, TIndex startcol=0)
- norm(TMatrixNorm norm=NORM_SCHUR) const
- NORM_COLUMN_SUM enum value
- NORM_ROW_SUM enum value
- NORM_SCHUR enum value
- NORM_TOTAL enum value
- normalize()
- operator *(matrix const &op2) const
- operator *=(matrix const &op2)
- operator *=(scalar_type scalar)
- operator()(TIndex row) const
- operator()(TIndex row, TIndex col)
- operator()(TIndex row, TIndex col) const
- operator+(matrix const &op2) const
- operator+=(matrix const &op2)
- operator-() const
- operator-(matrix const &op2) const
- operator-=(matrix const &op2)
- operator=(matrix const &src)
- outMatrix(std::ostream &ostr, void(*item_formatter)(std::ostream &os, bool first, bool last)=NULL) const
- scalar_type typedef
- set(TIndex row, TIndex col, matrix const &src)
- setColumn(TIndex col, matrix const &src)
- setDimension(TSize height, TSize width)
- setRow(TIndex row, matrix const &src)
- setup(TSize height, TSize width)
- swapColumnSelf(TIndex col1, TIndex col2)
- swapRowSelf(TIndex row1, TIndex row2)
- TMatrixNorm enum name
- trace() const
- traits_type typedef
- transposed() const
- upperTriangleSolve(matrix const &vec) const
- Width
- width() const
- wipe(entry_type value=traits_type::zero)
Generated on Wed Oct 31 17:12:25 2001 for ixlib by written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2001